10 Best-Selling Indonesian Young Adult Novels

10 Best-Selling Indonesian Young Adult Novels – Indonesian writers continue to prove their achievements. This is proven by the list of best-selling novels, most of which were written by Indonesian authors. The success of these novels gives great hope to Indonesia’s creative industry as the publishing sector becomes increasingly attractive.

10 Best-Selling Indonesian Young Adult Novels10 Best-Selling Indonesian Young Adult Novels

rryalsrussell  – Here are 10 Indonesian young adult novels that have become bestsellers.


This is one of the best-selling young adult novels and is firmly embedded in the hearts of Indonesian people. This novel, written by Pidi Baik, emphasizes a simple narrative style, but still looks fresh in the eyes of the reader. Moreover, the story in this novel is also very suitable to be applied to the lives of teenagers in the 90s. So it’s not surprising that many people feel nostalgic after reading this best-selling book.

Since it was first published, the “Dylan” novel series has never left the best-selling bookshelves. This young adult novel has sold more than 1 million copies. Because of this success, “Dylan” was nominated for the film trilogy of the same name.



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Friends but married

After announcing the title of their first novel, Teman Tapi Marikar, which tells the story of the relationship between two writers, Ayudhya and Ditto, the two also released a second sequel, Teman Tapi Marikar: Living in a Camper Van. Interestingly, this story based on a true story and the couple’s experiences has become the best-selling novel in Indonesia_._

In this second novel, Ayudhya and Ditto tell the story of their journey around the world together. This fun is taken from my daily vlog on YouTube about traveling and touring abroad in an RV.

sunshine becomes you

This novel by local writer Ilana Tan has won the title of best-selling novel in Indonesia. Rays of the Sun Becomes You has been published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama since 2012 and has been reprinted more than 10 times in three years. This novel has an extraordinary plot that allows the reader to be immersed in the story, because the facial expressions of the characters are carefully depicted. Apart from that, this best-selling novel gives its characters complete identities. This means that the novel can be translated as a feature film in December 2015.

stars and me

This bestselling book comes from the work of Ilana Tan and continues the story of the New York trilogy. Through his bestselling novels Sunshine Becomes You (2012) and In A Blue Moon (2015).

This novel tells the story of Olivia Mitchell, a stage actress who travels to New York for work and wants to know the whereabouts of her biological parents. Interestingly, this novel flooded Ilana Tan’s fans with pre-orders at the end of 2020. Until now, this novel is much sought after by loyal readers.

Hi and Anne

Based on the Wattpad page, Nadhifa Allya Tsana or Rintik Sedu wrote the novel series “Geez & Ann”. Like the two previous young adult novels, Tsana’s novel also achieved success in the Indonesian creative industry.

“Hello, Anne” has been on the bestseller shelves for a long time and continues to this day. With this success, it is not surprising that this novel was published in several sequels: Guise & Anne 1, Guise & Anne 2, and Guise & Anne 3. In fact, a film was made in 2020.


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This is even strange

The next best novel is Almira Bastari’s work entitled Ganjil Genap. This novel was a great success in the Indonesian market. Almira Bastari is known for her simple way of telling stories, but occasionally she uses fresh comedy spices. Interestingly, the best-selling young adult novel ‘Gandil Genap’ managed to sell up to 700 copies in just 10 minutes.

Matt and Mu

Like Guise and Anne, this best-selling novel by Ulanfadi is based on a popular Wattpad story. “Matt & Mou” was first released in 2016 by publisher Gagas Media.

The best-selling novel “Matt and Moo” is a romantic genre about friendship that ends in love. This best-selling novel, which has been on the best-selling bookshelf for a long time, was made into a feature film in 2019 with the help of renowned producer Manoj Panjabi.

happy coincidence

Eliska Febriani’s best-selling novel “Serendipity” in the romantic genre is selling well on the market. This young adult novel was first published on the Wattpad application and has been read by more than 12 million users of the application, and the book has sold 40,000 copies. The young adult novel “Serendipity” became popular among readers and was made into a film.

will do it

This story, which has been read more than 10 million times on Wattpad, has attracted the interest of many publishers to publish it in novel form. Sure enough, this young adult novel by Hana Margareta, published in 2017, has succeeded in entering the ranks of the best-selling novels in Indonesia. But that’s not all. Dignitate is another novel that has been made into a feature film. Dear Nathan

Following his best-selling novel, Serendipity, Dear Nathan also achieved brilliant success. This young adult novel was also written by Eliska Febriani and created using the Wattpad application. In the Dear Nathan application, it is read by more than 20 million application users. The success of this best-selling novel, published in 2015, was made into a film in 2017 with the same title.

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